

Facilitate the temple construction with utmost sincerity
We can cultivate with our mouths; we can also cultivate with our minds. The Buddhadharma states that everything originates from the mind. You might not have the physical strength or monetary wealth, and you might not have time to cultivate, but you are able to contribute mental effort. Mental effort is the true source which will facilitate all causes and conditions; as long as you bring forth genuine, utmost sincerity, you will succeed. Realizing Buddhahood depends on making a single determination with utmost sincerity. You might think that realizing Buddhahood is the most difficult. If one single determination, made with utmost sincerity, can lead to the realization of Buddhahood, it is certainly possible to accomplish a monastery by making a single determination with utmost sincerity as well.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhadharma #Buddhahood #Buddhist cultivation #Cultivate blessings #Sincere cultivation #Temple Construction



Temples are places that support people as they cultivate to accomplish their practice. By constructing temples, you are helping others realize Buddhahood, and creating supporting conditions for your own cultivation in the future.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhahood #Buddhist cultivation #Temple Construction



In order to do well in your self-cultivation, you need the right supporting conditions. That is why you need to build up your virtuous roots, blessings, and virtues by supporting the Three Treasures, as well as helping to build and protect monasteries. When you cultivate, you should also hope that others will have the opportunity to cultivate. By doing so, you will accumulate merits and virtues. When you become accomplished in your merits and virtues, you will eventually perfect your blessings and wisdom.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Cultivate blessings #Temple Construction #Three Treasures